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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
Formulated to support the anti-inflammatory process
Formulated to support the anti-inflammatory process
Formulated to support the anti-inflammatory process

Metazone Powder

Formulated specifically to support the anti-inflammatory process, NAF Five Star Metazone is an effective Five Star nutraceutical for the management of horses who need something extra.

Metazone is made up of a synergistic blend of ingredients that target the support of natural anti-inflammatory pathways. The plant based phytochemicals that make up this product support these pathways wherever they are needed in the body, whether that be for joints, feet, tendons, ligaments, muscles or skin. For those who compete, it is formulated to be competition safe with no withdrawal time, which means it can be fed every day or as needed to keep your horse ‘in the zone’.

• Supports your horse’s anti-inflammatory responses throughout the body
• Stay sound through peak competition
• Suitable for daily use when comfort is key, making daily sachets a thing of the past
• Gut kind - designed to work effectively without compromising gut health
• Can be fed alongside any other NAF product

Please note that Metazone Powder is not available outside of the UK.

Bark (Paeonia species), Rosehip shells, Milk thistle seed (ground), Yeast products*, Fructo-oligosaccharides, Dried algae (Chlorella sp), Dandelion leaves, Vegetable oil (Linseed oil, crude), Turmeric, Liquorice roots, Ginger root, Rosemary, Oregano herbal blend, Omicha berries, Ginkgo leaves, Sodium chloride, Calcium carbonate, Propylene glycol

*Yeast products – source of postbiotic metabolites
Analytical Constituents
Crude protein 7.7%
Crude fat 9.3%
Crude ash 5.4%
Crude fibre 5.4%
Sodium 0.08%
Add to feed daily, to support the horse’s own anti-inflammatory processes. Peak Rate can be used for 4-5 days when increased need is recognized, i.e. when signs dictate, travel, peak competition, or when advised by your veterinary surgeon. A complementary feed for equine use only.
Horses g per day scoops per day
Peak rate 80 2
Training/Maintenance 40 1
Ponies (<400kg)
Peak rate 60 1.5
Training/Maintenance 20 - 40 0.5 - 1

Abi Leadbetter & Navigator Scais

“I’ve been feeding my 6yr old Five Star Metazone for a little while now. He’s recently qualified for the National Discovery Final and the Working Hunter Intermediate final at the Royal International Horse Show whilst being fed Metazone. With him being only 6, I like him being on a supplement that helps support him. He’s a very talented little horse and I’m very proud of how well he’s doing on your product”.


Lydia Littlejohn & Wallace

“I have been feeding Metazone to 15 year old Wallace to support the anti-inflammatory process after he had therapeutic work done on his stifle. The results have been brilliant, the vets and physio are delighted with his progress and we have been allowed to get back riding. To say I'm delighted is an understatement. Wallace is getting stronger every day. All being well we hope to get into show ring at the end of July. Thanks again for your help and advice, NAF products have been a big part of his recovery.”


Julie Hayes & Grace

“Metazone is amazing - Grace feels so much more supple and happier in her work - more willing and energetic which is really lovely to ride. I am definitely going to keep her on this.”


Leah Adams & Calypso

“Here is Calypso at her first ever Scottish Riding Club Championships. Since adding Metazone to her diet just over a month ago, her seasonal shaking has reduced considerably. I also feed Five Star Optimum, Biotics and Electrolytes.”


Mary Cripps & Callie

“My mare had to come out of work due to an injury; she has since had a couple of foals and I decided to start feeding Metazone around a month ago. She is now happily being ridden again for the first time in six years which is totally amazing. I honestly thought I would have to get a professional to start her off but she’s been so calm, happy and comfortable on Metazone - a great recommendation from Dee Shears at BJ Dance”


Lucy Marsden & Major

“I was advised to feed Metazone as Major struggles with seasonal allergies where we see him become really agitated and have a snotty nose. Last year I tried everything, nothing worked and I felt helpless. I have been feeding Metazone for a month now and he is back to his usual self with no signs, long may it continue.”


Kate McErlane & Sylvester

“Our Welsh D had a number of irritations that made him generally uncomfortable. Our local NAF Representative recommended trying him on Metazone. Best thing we could have done! He's definitely feeling better and is more active in work. I honestly can't recommend it highly enough. We know it had to be the supplement as absolutely nothing else in his routine changed.”


Poppy Turner & Zeus

“Zeus has been on Metazone for several months now. We can’t believe how much better he is coming out of this winter compared to other years; he seems so much more supple and less stressy than usual. At 15 years old, he is definitely loving life now.”


Holly Fincher

“Since my Irish Sports horse started on the powder version of NAF Five Star Metazone, I have noticed a huge difference in day to day activities like putting the girth on, doing rugs up etc. Previously she was quite reactive due to sensitivity but since feeding Metazone she has had much less of a reaction and it is occurring less frequently. I’m very pleased as she seems to be much more comfortable in herself than before.”


Joanne Ridge & Troy

“I feed NAF Five Star Metazone Powder to my ladies hunter Troy daily. Metazone allows him to be a lot more supple and comfortable when carrying the side saddle; allowing us to shine in the ring.”


Jess Weston

“I am so impressed with the results from using NAF Five Star Metazone on our horses! It really works! It helps so much with muscle repair, they feel so supple and relaxed in their work even after a hard few days competing. We have seen a huge improvement in Berry; she starts off feeling soft and happy now in her work and can keep her quality of work for longer since she has been on Metazone. I would highly recommend to anyone for an all round top of the range supplement! The competition results speak for themselves and our horses feel better than ever!”


Lorraine Bone & Argenda

“I’ve owned Argenda for a short time and since owning him, hes been fed on NAF Five Star Metazone, Five Star Superflex and in the Pink Powder. Theyve given him springs and my trainer, Johnathan Bowman, who has known him for years, says he’s never seen him looking and jumping so well.”


Sally Chapman

“I cannot praise NAF Five Star Metazone enough. I have a 29 year-old, 17.3hh warmblood gelding who has issues in his leg and shoulder joints and it was recommended that I try him on Metazone. He is now willing to have his feet picked out and recently, he went off down the field in a canter bucking playfully. At night he comes trotting to the gate when called which he hasn’t done for ages. His coat has a lovely shine and you can see dappling all over his coat. Thank you again NAF for making my old boy happier.”


Briony Cutler & Mo

“Mo, known as Moomin to her friends, isnt your standard dressage horse but shes competing at Medium level and she always tries to do her best. She has a history of issues with suppleness but since starting her on NAF Five Star Metazone, she looks amazing and she feels so much more comfortable in her work. She loves to please and now she can do it with ease.”


Isobel Knight

I found feeding Metazone to my mare Alivia very beneficial, as she is an experienced horse who has competed on Team GB multiple times as well as previously two Youth European Championships so we are always looking to keep her feeling in peak condition especially during the competition season. I felt on the Metazone supplement that she was on top form within herself, which greatly helped her performance in the competition arena as we achieved a personal best score as a partnership at the recent Hickstead Premier League. I really felt as though the Metazone gave her that edge to perform at her best! I will definitely be continuing the use of NAF Metazone and will certainly be trying out the syringes as well to give her that extra boost before a competition.


Jo Harris

I started Kenny on Metazone a couple of weeks ago and I'm really pleased with the results. He is on a 8 week rehab programme from the vets and we're due back there next week. Before putting him on Metazone he was very stiff, and better on the straight but still a bit reluctant to go forwards at times. Since putting him on Metazone, his mobility has significantly improved and he looks a lot better on the lunge. He is also going forwards much better out hacking and seems a lot happier. Safe to say, I will be keeping him on this and will tell friends etc. about it.


Deni Harper- Adams

We have had a number of our competition horses on Metazone, including an older gelding of 23 and a very special dressage mare of 15 yrs. Both of these horses are beginning to show signs of ageing. We have one of the powder and one on the liquid, both very palatable for them to eat. We have found them to both be more willing to work, both under saddle and in hand. We will continue to use both the liquid and powder as a staple within our supplement as we feel it supports the horses to enjoy a comfortable life.


Deborah Burrell

I love the Metazone product and now have all my horses on it! Impy, my Bramham ride, went amazing and we finished 9th, it was so close at the top. One of my horses won’t eat, but since being on Metazone, not only does he eat all his feeds, but he now doesn’t take 15 minutes to get going when you school him. I have my six horses on Metazone and I really do think it’s extremely beneficial for them, especially as one is 28 years old and still in full work!


Claire Hazeldine

My 7yo mare Matilda is recovering from a kissing spine operation and has had intensive rehabilitation since. Although I could see progress it was very steady and Matilda still looked a little weak despite following a strict exercise plan. I started feeding Metazone and although initially I didn’t see any difference by the time I had given the product a few weeks she was really started to muscle up nicely, and look like a nice strong little horse. She seems happier in her work and is moving better than ever, of course some of this will be her strengthening up from her rehab work but I'm convinced that the Metazone has definitely helped us, and I have continued to feed it even after finishing the trial. A great supplement that will help maintain and improve a variety of horses.


Christina Wood

I have been feeding Metazone to my 4yo ISH who has recently just been backed and who I hope to event in future. Before feeding it, she was still shedding her winter coat and was getting those annoying bumps on her skin from coat shedding. Since using Metazone her coat has come through and she is completely shining. The bumps on her skin have gone but I'm certain this is due to feeding Metazone.


Chloe Francis

Since feeding Metazone I have noticed some major differences in my horses, they had quite dull and lifeless looking coats and one of my boy kept getting hives and just general scabby skin, since being on this product it’s stayed away and he’s gone so shiny! My horses also have a tendency to be rather nervous, this is the first time they have not been on a calmer! They have been so level headed recently it’s like I have a new horse!


Caprice Bennett

NAF Metazone has exceeded expectations! My mare has become less stressed and more willing in work, with a difference being very clear in just a few short days of introducing to her feed. She's more comfortable in her way of going too, with me being able to introduce some of the jumps on the farm ride which we're both thoroughly enjoying. It's very palatable for fussy eaters as well, as I found no issues introducing the recommended daily amount to her pre-ride feed.


Bev Gibson

Although we have only been using Metazone for just over a month, I am confident it’s definitely helping my 11 year old ex-Grade C Showjumper Havanna. I wanted to find something that would help her, as she gets a bit older and help us to continue competing, especially with the challenges that the hard ground presents, not just out competing but at home during turnout!


Amy Lowery-Wiltshire

I’ve been looking for a supplement to make sure Bella 11 is as comfortable as possible alongside her other treatments. She can be quite a fussy eater so I opted for the liquid option and she absolutely loves it, she can’t wait for me to put her feed bowl down! I’ve noticed a real difference in her willingness to canter which is something we’ve really struggled with for a long time and I will definitely be continuing to use Metazone as I'm feeling so much more positive about our future together.


Amy Fillingham

Since feeding Metazone I’ve noticed positive changes in my horse! He’s much more alert and forward when riding as he’s quite lazy usually it’s nice to have him a bit more forward without being silly! I’m really happy with the results I have had from Metazone and will be continuing to feed it to my horses as I feel that the benefits Metazone provides are really important for competition horses!


Abigail Parry

I must admit I was sceptical to start and I didn't think it made any difference - however now I have run out, it definitely did! She seems better in her hinds. I found the liquid easy to use, my horse can be really fussy (especially in the summer when she is full of grass) but she ate it no problem!


Megan Mcmillan & Diamond

I have owned Diamond for nearly ten years now and unfortunately over the years he has had a few issues. Since being on Metazone, I have noticed improved striding and suppleness when ridden. Metazone is great as both a daily supplement or a short-term boost after a strenuous day and I am impressed that the ingredients are gentle on the horse's gut. I have tended to use the liquid to help aid recovery after periods of intense work or competitions and have found that Diamond is now bouncing back quicker than ever!


Kathryn Forbes & Will

Will is a fussy eater but he is finishing all his feed up with Five Star Metazone in it. He isn't as sensitive when being saddled and is moving a lot freer than a few weeks ago. Even the farrier mentioned last week how good his feet are. He looks and feels amazing so I will definitely be keeping him on Metazone!


Tracey Sharp

My mare is a fussy eater and hasn't been bothered by Metazone liquid being in her feed, in fact when I ran out of it for a few days she didn't eat her feed, but is happily eating it again now with Metazone in. I love the smell of it! Ellie is 17 years old and we compete BS showjumping. She had become slightly pottery when I first got on her but since using Metazone she isn't at all and feels supple and free moving from the moment I get on. Her coat looks fantastic and she is definitely feeling well. Metazone has helped her recover quicker after several 3 day shows. I will definitely be continuing with it. photo credit - Showground Photography


Sophie Baldock

I have noticed a difference in my mare since she has been on the Five Star Metazone. She was diagnosed with hip issues December last year. Metazone seems to have made her more comfortable and given her some sass and speed back. I have only been giving her half a scoop as she only has a small feed, but even the half a scoop seems to have made a difference. It also smells really nice and makes all her friends jealous.


Rebecca Winstanley

I’ve been feeding Metazone for about two months now and I’m so pleased with the results. Since feeding Metazone he feels much more supple and is moving great! It’s really given him the extra boost he needed and he is excelling in both the dressage arena, show jumping arena and showing arena. The powder has a nice smell, which makes it more appealing even for the fussy feeders! This will stay in my feed regime now for sure!


Laminaze Pellets Metazone Powder Metazone Liquid
Metazone Syringe GastriVet Pellets Immuforte