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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
Nutritional support for horses showing signs of seasonal anxiety
Nutritional support for horses showing signs of seasonal anxiety
Nutritional support for horses showing signs of seasonal anxiety

Shake Relief

Valuable nutritional support for horses who show signs of seasonal anxiety. Horses may be affected by a number of different seasonal triggers; commonly bright sunlight, pollen or flies, resulting in seasonally associated discomfort and anxiety in the head. By improving the diet with targeted nutrition, the horse’s natural defenses are optimised. Shake Relief contains a unique complex of scientifically verified, naturally sourced antioxidants to flush the free radicals out from the system. Soothing herbs are included with bio-available magnesium to support a calm, confident outlook. Shake Relief also contains an immune support complex which targets the immune systems, vital to the horse’s defenses and wellbeing, and MSM to support soft tissue and nerve tissue. Shake Relief should be fed throughout the peak season for each individual, and may be increased as and when needed.

Magnesium oxide, Withania, Brewers yeast, Hops (dried), Methyl sulphonyl methane, Carrot (dried), Echinacea, Mint, Omicha berries, Rosehip shells, Dandelion leaves, Milk thistle seeds, Turmeric, Chlorella (dried), Shiitake, Ginger, Ginkgo leaves, Rosemary, Licorice, Rapeseed oil.
Additives (per kg)
Vitamin B12 16,700 μg
Vitamin E 3a700 3,000 I.U.
Analytical Constituents
Crude protein 10.2%
Crude oils and fats 3.5%
Crude ash 30.5%
Crude fibre 7.7%
Sodium 0.1%
Acid insoluble ash 8.5%
Add to daily feed ration during periods of seasonal related stress sensitivities.
Horses & Ponies g per day scoops per day
Loading rate (7-10 days) 81-108 3-4
Daily 54 2

Emma Copeman & Yob

“I’m really impressed by NAF Shake Relief; to say I was dubious about feeding a supplement would be an understatement, however after speaking to the Nutritional Helpline, I decided to give it a go. If I had to rate the improvement in my daughter’s horse I’d say he is 75-80% and he’s also not struggling with runny eyes that usually plague him this time of year. Yob now has less poles down in the show jumping as he’s steadier in his head, and he’s enjoying his work a lot more. Thank you NAF, another great product! “


Lily & Polly

"Polly has been on Shake Relief for four weeks now. She's happy and relaxed in her stable. I have my pony back. ❤ ”


Georgie Spence & Halltown Harley

We’ve used NAF Shake Relief on Halltown Harley for many years now. He can really suffer during the spring when the pollen increases, showing many of the classic signs, like rubbing his nose, increased anxiety and vertical head flipping. This affects his temperament, making him unhappy in himself and his attitude to work changes, so all parts of his training can be affected, which is not ideal pre competition season. Having him on the Shake Relief means he is happy in himself so he can focus on the event, so giving me his best performance every time.


Freya Willison & Patch

It's a miracle worker! Patch suffers with seasonally associated discomfort and this year, he was really affected. Feeding Shake Relief has meant that he is back to his normal self and we're having a fun summer!


Helen Brannan & Jack

"Following a period of box rest, Jack started showing real signs of discomfort in his head and was not at all happy. I has serious concerns about his quality of life. "Thanks to NAF's experience of other cases, I felt that all was not lost and was keen to try anything that might help him. Respirator Boost and Shake Relief were started on NAF's advice and just ten days later, Jack was a different horse and was back to his usual self. "I am so relieved that he is comfortable and grateful to NAF for the help and the products. I am thrilled with the results."


Yasmine Chamley & King Arthur

"King Arthur loves his NAF Shake Relief, it's the best product we have ever tried and it's been a game changer for us! We are 6 weeks into feeding it and he is so much happier!"


Rachel Dorrell & Prince

"In 2018 my horse developed an occasional shake of the head. I tried many different products to help ease his symptoms and the shake itself but to no avail. I saw NAF UK offering a trial of a new product and contacted them as it I felt this may help. I was so pleased with the results after only a few weeks. It has definitely helped to settle my horse and he can now enjoy hacking and schooling without constant discomfort. I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone with a similarly sensitive horse."


Joyce & Daphne

"I was lucky to be able to trial the Shake Relief supplement for my horse. Prior to the trial she had become increasingly stressed and difficult to ride due to severe bouts of seasonal sensitivity. It was impossible to carry out any schooling work and normal hacking was becoming quite dangerous. I introduced the supplement gradually, as she can be a particularly fussy feeder. She got used to the supplement very quickly and the results were noticeable within a short space of time (about a week). Her symptoms were markedly improved, she was less stressed and shaking her head was much reduced to the point that it was possible to hack out happily and resume flat work. Her concentration levels increased dramatically to the point she has started jumping and been hunting."


Fiona & Ruby

"Homebred Ruby was treated by the vet due having a pollen sensitivity and shaking her head regularly. It was found that hawthorn and rape pollen were the cause. Since changing the management of her and trialling the new improved Shake Relief from NAF, she has become more settled and is now exhibiting her normal relaxed behaviour."


Wendy & Raz

"Raz was diagnosed 18 months ago, after he became highly agitated both in and out of the stable and un-rideable. With veterinary approaches he improved considerably, but where there were multiple triggers he would still become agitated and start to shake his head. NAF were asking for volunteers for a trial they were doing with a new supplement, so I decided to volunteer, because, whilst he was much improved if I could give him something to help him even further, and help other people with their horses, why not? Having fed Raz the supplement for a short while I was starting to see a positive impact in that he was more relaxed in himself, both in the stable and when being ridden on hacks and in the school, and not over reacting to a trigger. So much so, after the trial finished I contacted NAF to ask when the supplement would be available to buy, as it seemed to help Raz that much."


Deborah & Bradley

"Bradley displayed typical shaking of his head behaviour in 2015 at the age of 16. I tried various supplements and a nose net which gave only minor relief and I was unable to ride him due to his temperamental behaviour. I was fortunate to be able to trial the new NAF Shake Relief in 2019 and it has been life changing for Bradley. He is now comfortable out in the field and calm to handle. And the best news is that I am now able to ride him which I hadn’t thought possible. He still has occasional episodes where he tosses and jerks his head but these are nowhere near as severe as previous episodes and are short lived and he's back grazing in his field quite quickly."


Nicola & Millie Moore

"My IDxTB mare Millie was diagnosed with seasonal discomfort when she was 8 years old after no previous history or signs. I have tried several supplements to try and help with her pain but have found nothing that does the job. Her shaking and discomfort are exacerbated during high pollen (mainly grass) and/or strong sunlight, she has consequently been on high levels of allergy treatment during this time. I trialled the NAF Shake Relief supplement during the high pollen summer months last year and will be putting her back on it this year. Whilst there is no known cure yet, I found the supplement worked just as well as previous treatment and will certainly be easier to get hold of!"


Gaelann & Alfie

"Alfie aka Mumaathel is our ex racer who really struggles most of the year with air pollutants Alfie will head flick in bright sunlight and with a light breeze. We use a nose net and ear veil to help with the hypersensitivity which can quickly turn into difficulty breathing. We have to use medication including inhaler puffers when it is bad Alfie can become very tight through his poll and neck which then has an effect on his schooling/competitions. We use Physio and Chiro manipulation to help with the tension We can’t always work out what the trigger is, sometimes Alfie presents with mild symptoms and sometimes we need veterinary help. If we have an irritation prior to exercise we syringe NAF Kof-Eze linctus. Whatever day we are having we are very thankful to NAF for making Alfie a lot comfier with Shake Relief. Shake Relief means we can carry on competing without medication #cleansport"


Tamara & Nosey

"I have found the supplement very helpful for making Nosey more comfortable. He is 14 and has had a problem since the age of 6. If no measures are taken he is quite distressed rubbing his nose and shaking his head all over the place when he is outside his stable in summer. There are also some signs through the winter. My normal measures are fly mask, nose net, homeopathic pills and cranial sacral therapy. Even with these I have to limit schooling sessions at peak pollen and particles in the air times. When using the NAF supplement he is noticeably more comfortable and relaxed in most riding sessions, and in fact when feeding it I now forget about his condition through the winter months. He is also able to be turned out in summer for a few hours with very few crazy moments. There are occasional high pollen/particles in the air days when even at high doses of the supplement he is better off in the stable. But most of the time I feel the supplement is helpful making him more comfortable in his life."


Bea & Mav

"After using the supplement for my horse l found a considerable difference in his behaviour, he used to stand in his stable twitching his head and quivering his bottom lip. Now, on New Shake Relief, no longer was he shaking his head or rubbing his nose on his foreleg when riding. He is a very sensitive chap and we have symptoms all year around, for my horse it has changed our lives, l hope this helps yours too, l cannot recommend enough."


Sharon & Tinker

"We have seen a huge improvement and have even started riding him again, which is work in progress but very positive. The weather is not on his side so to get him to work at all is a minor miracle. His shaking has reduced considerably, and he seems much more relaxed. The pony in question won his first affiliated dressage a week ago with over 69%, following up this week with another win with 72%, so its getting better and better."


Amy & George

"I was lucky enough to be asked to take part in the development trial with my pony George; he regularly shakes, and flicks his head when the weather starts to warm up, especially in the arena or in wooded area's on bridleways. This can be very off putting when you are riding and jumping, and my daughter got so that she wouldn’t want to ride him either. It was about week two I really noticed a difference after feeding him this supplement, we had a normal pony! We were able to ride him and not worry about any of his shaking and my daughter was really growing in confidence. Then we finished the trial and George very, very quickly went back to flicking and shaking, when NAF very kindly sent another trial pot and as soon as he went back on it  it stopped again! This made such a massive change to all of us and I cannot wait to get him back on it."


Ruth & Jessie

"It has really helped our 13.3hh 7 year old mare Jessie (a rescue cob) who we noticed struggled with seasonal discomfort a year after we got her and moved to another location. She would shake her head violently when ridden and lunged and also go along with her nose on the floor and scrape her nose on the ground in the field. The pollen and flies seem to trigger it, but after using your NAF product for 6 weeks we can say it’s really helped her so we could to ride and compete her. Although when the flies are very bad (or rain on her nose!) we have to use a nose net. I am so happy we could find a solution as she is such a lovely sweet pony who tried her heart out for my daughter and I who compete her in dressage and showing. She has been a joy to train and loves to please & learn and also having a bit of talent and was hoping to make her BD debut this month until all was cancelled due to COVID-19. Really happy to recommend this product."


Christy & Sprigit

"My mare started shaking her head and showing discomfort in spring about 4 years ago. She has gotten progressively worse over the years had become difficult to ride as a result. Last summer I tested the new NAF Shake Relief supplement and it successfully reduced the signs. She became easier to ride, and we could finally school again - even cantering, which used to really cause her discomfort."



Tommy, a ten year old cob cross thoroughbred owned by Bev Clark. Although Tommy had shown mild signs of head shaking two years ago, last year the symptoms became so violent there were days he couldn't be ridden for fear he would throw himself over. Bev tried a nose net and a riding mask which were of some help. She also tried feeding various head shaking supplements but saw no improvement. That was until she saw an advert for Shake Relief in Horse and Hound. After feeding it to Tommy, the results were very encouraging; he became much easier to ride and calmer in himself. So this year Bev started feeding Shake Relief much earlier in the season, and the results have been fantastic. Tommy's head shaking is almost non existent and he can be schooled or hacked out any time of the day with no problems. Says Sue "I am so thankful to NAF, I would never have thought a supplement would help Tommy so much - he doesn't even look like a horse who head shakes and he's so much happier, the difference is unbelievable."



Tiffin I bought Tiffin a 16.2 TB. in November last year, although having ridden and had horses on loan all my life, he is the first horse i have actually owned. At first he occasionally shook his head when out hacking and grabbed at the bit. He was fine when ridden in the school and when jumping, it seemed that if he had something to concentrate on he was fine, so at first I put it down to it being a 'TB thing'. However, in February/March this year, he became nearly un-rideable. I bought a nose net as someone suggested this might help, it did and he was better but I wondered if there was a supplement that could help. I did some research and read other peoples stories on the NAF website and decided to give Shake Relief a go. I started Tiffin on 2 scoops and within 10 days, it was like riding a new horse! He was calm and working well both out hacking and in the school. I then dropped him down to 1 scoop a day and he was ok but definitely not as good. About 2 weeks ago he went on box rest due to a bruised sole. Don't ask me why I did it, but I stopped his Shake Relief. The first time I took him out again, he was a complete nightmare and the next time and the time after that. So I put him back on Shake Relief and he has returned to a calm and content horse again. Although I think he may need to be one of these horses that stays on it all year long, it really is a great supplement for him!



I have been privileged to have had Dexey in my life for 18 years and very soon after buying her, I found out that the mild head shaking, described in the vetting as a 'young horse getting used to the bit' escalated into something that was quite distressing for both horse and rider. I took her on holiday that year to Cranbourne Chase and as soon as we went under any trees, she would become very distressed and at 4 years old she was managing piaffe and passage very well without any tuition nor any prompting from me!!! During the winter, the symptoms went only to return in the spring. Over time, I have learned that tree pollen is the culprit, mainly beech and oak. She is now almost 22 and either she has learned to accept the symptoms or has built up some immunity, I am not sure, but she does not become quite so agitated but I know she is still in considerable discomfort. It is only her perfect manners which stop her from trying to escape from the stress of it. As you will guess, in all this time, I have tried almost every possible remedy from a special mixture of pollens made up for her, to human hay fever tablets prescribed by my vet which involved crushing 80 tablets per day. I had not heard of Shake Relief - I have to say I have never been a huge believer in supplements but she had a bit of a cough and my current vet recommended I try Respirator Boost, which I have to say did the trick. It was whilst I was enquiring about Respirator that I learned about Shake Relief, so thinking 'what the heck' decided to try it. I am now on my second tub with a third on order and at this early stage, the results have been very positive indeed. Our yard backs onto a bridleway running alongside a river and bounded by trees on both sides, so you will appreciate that midges are also a problem in addition to the pollen. So far, the results have been very positive, so I am keeping my fingers crosses as this is one of the worst times of the year for her. This mare is not a cheap date, but if I can make her life as happy as she has made mine, I think we have both fulfilled our relationship! Thank you very much for your advice.


Shake Relief Cushinaze