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NAF, Nutritional Advanced Formulas for horses and ponies
Five Star for healthy clear lungs, fast
Five Star for healthy clear lungs, fast
Five Star for healthy clear lungs, fast

Respirator Boost

Respirator Boost provides valuable nutritional support to the respiratory mucosal immune system and the delicate capillary blood vessels that surround the lungs. Research shows that by supplementing the diet with naturally sourced anti-oxidants, the horse's lungs can be given valuable support. Respirator Boost contains a concentrated solution of natural anti-oxidants, alongside herbs such as ginger, rosehip and blueberries, chosen for their targeted support of healthy lung function. Echinacea is also included for immune system support. Essential oils in Respirator Boost help maintain clear airways.

Glycerine, Dextrose, Rapeseed oil (refined).
Additives (per kg)
Vitamin C 3a300 65,000 mg
Vitamin K3 (3a711) 52.60 mg
Blueberry tincture 27 ml
Clove leaf oil 350 mg
Echinacea tincture 20 ml
Eucalyptus oil 350 mg
Ginger tincture 68.7 ml
Ginkgo tincture 68.7 ml
Licorice tincture 7.80 ml
Oregano tincture 2.08 ml
Rose (rosehip) tincture 62.4 ml
Rosemary oil 150 mg
Turmeric tincture 39.6 ml
Analytical Constituents
Crude protein 0.6%
Crude Fat 0.3%
Crude ash 0.5%
Crude fibre 0.1%
Moisture 87.6%
Sodium 0.03%
Feed Respirator Boost for clear, healthy lungs and optimal breathing capacity.
Horses & Ponies ml per day
Loading rate (1-10 days) 60-90
Standard Maintenance 30

Kimberley Felix & Twirl

I have used several NAF supplements this year for my horses including Five Star Respirator Boost and I am delighted with the results. With the high pollen and hot humid weather, my horses are feeling much better in terms of their performance, general mental and physical well-being. Our horses are our everything and NAF carries this ethos through and through, with the high quality of products and effectiveness. Not to mention the care and precision with which products are suggested for each individual.


Clare Barrington & Rosie

"Rosie is a sensitive 22 year old Thoroughbred mare. I have fed NAF Five Star Respirator Boost for years and feed it all year round to support her breathing at times when she needs it most. It is very palatable and helps her particularly in the winter when she is stabled more. I recommend this product to anyone who also has a horse with sensitivities."


Charlotte Wright & Mr Darcy

"Mr Darcy was really struggling with the change of seasons. Runny nose, head-shaking and lethargic. It had gotten to the point where he was struggling with ridden work and very unhappy. 24 hours on the Respirator Boost and he's back to his forward cheeky self. A feed room must have!"


Nikki & Barney

"Barney started to wheeze and cough and his breathing was a bit laboured, I was thinking COPD, heaves etc so I booked vet to come. In the meantime I got some NAF Respirator Boost, amazing results in little time, Barney improved and no wheeze/cough, this product really does what it says."


Respirator Boost Holly Rowbottom & Ronnie

"After a long winter, an increased workload and getting out and out for his first season, I bought NAF Five Star Respirator Boost to support Ronnie's respiratory system and immunity. This product has been perfect at supporting Ronnie's health and well-being."


Kate Byles & Morph

Since being fed NAF GastriAid and Five Star Optimum Balancer, I have found Morph to be less stressed when he is being ridden and he is now the favourite escort for the younger horses when we’re hacking. Feeding him Optimum allows me to know that he is receving all of the correct nutrients he needs to be healthy. Five Star Respirator Boost is also an essential for Morph during the winter months.


@tail_to_tell_eventing and Scooby

"I've had Scooby on NAF Five Star Respirator Boost for around three weeks now and it's made such a difference. He gets a daily dose of 25ml and if I'm riding, I give him some in a small feed just before I tack up and that's where I've found the biggest difference! If you have a horse who needs respiratory support, this product used in the correct way is definitely the way to go!"


Martina Concina & Llanina Meriadoc

"I have owned this beautiful gelding Llanina Meriadoc since July 2002. We climbed up through the dressage levels with scores of up to 73% and he now retired, but is looking fabulous thanks to NAF! Together with good feed; Superflex Senior, Respirator Boost and the Veteran Supplement help him to stay looking wonderful at the age of 30."


Rachael & Pepper

"Respirator Boost is a game changer! Pepper was struggling with respiratory issues earlier this year so initially I fed it to help with this, which it did within 24 hours. She had another flare up last week so I put her on it again and got the same results, so I’ve decided to keep her on the maintenance dose."


Helen Brannan & Jack

"Following a period of box rest, Jack started showing real signs of discomfort in his head and was not at all happy. I has serious concerns about his quality of life. "Thanks to NAF's experience of other cases, I felt that all was not lost and was keen to try anything that might help him. Respirator Boost and Shake Relief were started on NAF's advice and just ten days later, Jack was a different horse and was back to his usual self. "I am so relieved that he is comfortable and grateful to NAF for the help and the products. I am thrilled with the results."


Katie Amos & Otto

"Otto and I compete at Advanced level British Dressage and are training PSG at home. One of the NAF Area Sales Managers came to the Original Equestrian Camps I run at Aintree last year and suggested that I put Otto on Five Star Superflex Senior to help him stay active now that he is classed as a Senior horse and given the strain that high level dressage work can put on his joints. Given that he has been on Respirator Boost as well for a past bout of breathing issues one Autumn, which has really helped him; I was very happy to try another NAF product. I am really pleased with the way that Otto is going, his work is getting stronger all the time and we are soon off to Hartpury to compete in the Area Festival Championships at Advanced Medium. It's great knowing I'm doing all I can to hopefully prolong his working life and the products being Clean Sport safe gives me piece of mind too."


Holly Rowbottom & Ronnie

“I bought this product to support Ronnie's respiratory system and immunity. Also with the awareness of Equine Influenza looming, this product has been perfect at supporting Ronnie's health and well-being.”


Charlotte Sullivan & Glen

“After trying Glen on a number of supplements, none have been as effective as Respirator Boost. It is reassuring to find a product which I know works effectively, and is highly palatable even for fussy feeders like Glen”


Ashling Denny & Sparky

"After trying numerous products with no success, I bought Respirator Boost as a final attempt before resorting to veterinary treatment. With the money back guarantee I thought there was nothing to lose. I was amazed at how much it helped my horse in such a short length of time! Especially as other products had seemingly no effect. We are able to have fun without restrictions. I wouldn't be without it!"


Moonbeg Boy

Safia Woodward with Moonbeg Boy were 3rd in the P.C Championship Open Show Jumping and also competed in the PC Open Eventing Championships. "As a typical sensitive ginger Moonbeg Boy loves your Love The Skin He's In, uses NAF Five Star Respirator boost all summer and also a bit NAF Five Star Magic Calmer for his dressage!"



Corrine Finlay and Jamie (age 18) "I tried NAF Five Star Respirator Boost on Jamie because he was throwing his head and sneezing whilst warming up. It worked a treat and I'm on my third bottle. It's fab and he loves it too. What a difference it's making to him!"


Just Amy

Leah Parry Williamson and Just Amy Amy is a 17hh, 11 year old, bay, Irish Sports Horse mare who loves nothing more than a good cuddle and pamper. "Amy had issues with her breathing and respiratory system. I used the NAF Five Star Respirator Boost and the difference it has made is incredible. I now swear by Respirator Boost - it is a product I seriously believe in."



Sammo is now 15 and I have had him since he was 11. He is an Arab x 'Irish Allsorts'. I do fun rides and go out with the Bloodhounds with him. He has some minor respiratory challenges so I feed Respirator Boost to keeps his airways clear, this is especially important as we really cover the country at canter/gallop with lots of jumping. He is a big boned horse and I am not lightweight so I feed Superflex every day to keep his joints healthy, and Devil's Relief for extra support during the Bloodhound season. He has the most wonderful shiny coat which people always comment on, I put this down to feeding In the Pink Senior and using Love the SKIN he's in Wash after hard work. Jo Martin Photo credit Paul Buddin - Simple Photo Solutions



We are amazed by the results from Respirator Boost. My horse had a respiratory condition and has been on medication. Recently though we have switched to Respirator Boost - now he feels so much easier to ride; he is working so beautifully and he has a smile on his face, and very forward! Sarah Bosomworth and Morris (QD esquire)



Gizmo had a cough on and off all winter. Although we had the Vet out to him, tried soaking his hay, changed him to haylage and swapped his feed, nothing seemed to help. Then we tried Respirator Boost, and he is now so much better - it's great! Karen Powell



'Sharon started BE 80 eventing this year on her 14.1hh Irish Pony Edward. She was only 11 and on a small pony, we were having difficulty covering the ground as fast as a lot of competitors on their big thoroughbred, consequently we were getting a few time faults which was frustrating as her dressage scores were from 17 to late 20s. We have now moved up to BE90 with dressage scores still in their 20s, cross country is now perfect with only the occasional time fault. I put this down to the fact that Edward is fed Respirator Boost.' Sharon Parry



'My mare Silver Samphire (Beau) has always struggled with the change in October, going from being out at night to coming in; this combined with a yard move onto different bedding meant she found it even harder. Although she was still performing ok, I could tell that her airways were compromised. I was slightly concerned about getting her to eat a supplement as she is very fussy, but to my surprise she didn't bat an eyelid when I introduced it into her feed! Within a couple of days of feeding Respirator Boost, there was an obvious difference in her breathing and she was much more back to her old self. I am now feeding at the maintenance level as it has had such a positive effect.' Carrie Bosworth


Respirator Respirator Boost Easy Breathing
Easy Breathing Liquid Kof Eze